Séminaire du GDR QCD – 01/07/2021

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Seminar on Rivet and HepMC

July 1, 2021 at 11:00am, online

The aim of this seminar is to introduce Rivet and HepMC tools to facilitate the comparisons of experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulations. The discussion is aimed at both experimentalists and theorists working on QCD related aspects in France. The agenda includes two talks. One about Rivet: the particle-physics MC analysis toolkit. Another one focused on HepMC: an object oriented event record written in C++ to channel and interface the output of High Energy Physics Monte Carlo Generators.


This is a seminar organised jointly by the GDR-QCD WG-1 (“single and multiple parton scatterings”) & WG-2 (“collective effects with nucleon and nuclear collisions, phase diagram of QCD).