Coordination team
- Cyrille MARQUET (INP)
- Michael WINN (CEA)
Working groups conveners
1. Single and multiple parton scatterings:
▪ Renaud Boussarie, CPHT
▪ Zaida Conesa del Valle, IJCLab
▪ Dominique Marchand, IJCLab
2. Collective effects with nucleon and nuclear collisions, phase diagramme of QCD:
▪ Maxime Guilbaud, Subatech
▪ Antonin Maire, IPHC
▪ Marlene Nahrgang, Subatech
3. QCD at short distances: experiment, theory and tools
▪ Emilien Chapon, IRFU
▪ Laure Massacrier, IJCLab
▪ Melih Ozcelik, IJCLab
4. Future prospects on strong interaction physics and observables
▪ Francesco Bossu, IRFU
▪ Matthew Nguyen, LLR
5. QCD at low energy, non-perturbative methods
▪ Maxim Chernodub, IDP
▪ Mariane Mangin-Brinet, LPSC
▪ Cédric Mezrag, IRFU